Effective Earwax Removal Techniques: A Guide by Audiology & Hearing Aid Associates

04/29/2024 | Earwax

When was the last time you cleaned your ears? And we mean properly, not with a cotton swab! 

Earwax removal and maintenance is an important part of keeping your ears healthy and your hearing clear, but a lot of people do not know the best way to clean their ears.  

Having some earwax (cerumen) is a good thing. It is a natural insect repellant and helps to maintain the pH balance of the ear canal. It is also a lubricant to help the ear to clean itself. Did you know that the ear canal is made up of migratory tissue. The ear canal skin sheds and the ear wax helps to clean debris out of the ear. Trying to clean your earwax out without a professional’s help can lead to earwax impaction or even perforation of the eardrum. 

At Audiology & Hearing Aid Associates, we know the importance of safe and effective earwax removal – and we are here to help you learn, too! 

How Do I Clean My Ears at Home? 

There are several ways to clean your ears, but some methods are safer than others. 

Cotton Swabs are the most common way people try to clean their ears – you probably have a box of them in your bathroom specifically for that! But let us get one thing straight: Cotton swabs are NOT for cleaning inside your ears.  

Cotton swabs have tiny fibers that can scratch the ear canal leaving abrasions like tiny papercuts in the ear canal which start to itch when they are healing. Cotton swabs can push earwax deeper into your ear canal, causing impaction or even damage to your eardrum.  

Over-The-Counter Solutions are considered safer and are available at most pharmacies. The earwax removal drops are typically made of mineral oil, carbamide peroxide, or saline solutions that work to soften earwax, making for easier removal. Overuse of peroxide products can disrupt the pH balance of the ear canal and can be necrotic to the tissue over time. Limit use to no more than 1-2 times per year or when instructed by your audiologist or medical practitioner.  

When using the drops, tilt your head to allow the solution to reach the ear canal, and pull your earlobe in different directions to let the solution drip further in. Always follow the instructions provided for safe use! 

You can also clean your ears externally by using a warm, damp cloth to wipe the outer ear, removing any residual wax, while avoiding inserting the cloth or any other object past the tragus into the ear canal. 

When Should I Seek Professional Ear Cleaning? 

If you are reading this after discovering a hearing loss challenge, or perhaps you are experiencing some discomfort in your ears and suspect the culprit is due to an excess of earwax, look no further. 

Audiology & Hearing Aid Associates has a well-trained team of earwax removal experts on site that can clean your ears, remove any impacted or built-up earwax, and send you on your way with clear hearing and clean ears. 

After taking a thorough inspection of your ears to see where the impaction or build-up sits, we figure out the best, most comfortable way to remove it. Typically, we remove earwax by using a small curette (a tool with a mini spoon or loop).  You may think that a curette is something you could use at home – but the big difference here is that our team is trained in how to use curettes for earwax removal, and we can actually see inside your ear to remove the earwax as safely as possible. 

In some instances, we may use a process called lavage, this is using warmed distilled water to flush or irrigate the ear canal. Occasionally, we will utilize suction to “vacuum” out the ear wax. 

We are here to help! Excess earwax is something that many people have to deal with, and it is nothing to be ashamed about. Get your hearing back to top form and come visit us today. 

Concerned about Your Hearing? 

If you are having any issues or need a routine hearing and ear check, our team is here to ensure your ears are healthy and your hearing is clear. 

Feel free to contact our office at (541) 612-7555 to schedule an earwax removal appointment. You can also request a callback and a member of our team will contact you to answer any questions or concerns you may have. 

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Erika Shakespeare CCC-A

Erika Shakespeare, CCC-A, specializes in pediatric and adult diagnostics and amplification. Working with adults to help manage tinnitus and hearing loss since 2002, she is an expert in both of these areas. Additionally, she is a pediatric audiology mentor and educator for pediatric audiologists across the country and is one of the most respected experts on pediatric audiology.

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