The Reason Why So Many People Have an Untreated Hearing Loss
Every morning when you look in the mirror, you never notice yourself aging. Yet when you look back at pictures of yourself from ten years ago or twenty years ago, you can see the comparable differences.
It’s the same with your level of hearing.
As hearing loss is gradual and slow, it’s difficult to notice any distinct differences. This is why hearing loss is often noticed by our loved ones first and the reason that millions of Americans are walking around with an untreated hearing loss.
At Audiology & Hearing Aid Associates, we have been helping the La Grande community to recognize the first signs of hearing loss and take the steps to better hearing since 1982.
Whether you’re here because you’re experiencing the initial signs, such as finding conversations difficult in noisy backgrounds, or you’re here because you’re concerned about the hearing of a loved one, the first step towards better hearing is to have a comprehensive hearing assessment.
This quick, non-invasive assessment allows you to accurately test your level of hearing in order to be educated on the options available to you or your loved ones.
You’re not on this journey alone – we’re by your side to help. Just like we’ve been by the side of thousands of people within our community for the past 38 years.
If you have any questions or concerns, then you can call us for a friendly conversation at (541) 612-7555.
Schedule a Hearing Assessment
How We Can Help

Comprehensive Hearing Assessments
Like the proverbial frog in the slowly boiling pot of water, hearing loss often comes on slowly over months and years. Comprehensive hearing examinations are diagnostic audiometric examinations of your ears and hearing. These tests can tell us if your hearing loss is temporary or permanent. We can also determine if there are other underlying medical conditions that are causing your hearing loss. Not all hearing losses require hearing aids. That’s why we encourage regular hearing assessments to ensure that any hearing loss is caught and treated properly.

Prescription Hearing Aid and Implantable Technology
Prescription hearing aids are not the only solution available to manage hearing loss. There are a number of treatable medical conditions that can cause hearing loss. If your hearing loss does require technology to help manage it, then there are many really amazing options available from easy to use amplifiers to advanced prescription hearing aids, bone anchored hearing aids, and cochlear implants. The latest hearing technologies are small, powerful, and discreet, allowing patients to experience a level of hearing that they didn’t know was possible while wearing prescription hearing aids that often go unnoticed by the people around them.

Advanced Tinnitus Specialists
Tinnitus is experienced by millions of Americans. In fact, it is one of the number one reasons for medical office visits in the country and the number one service connected disability by the Veterans Administration. Diagnosing and managing tinnitus is complex.
There is not a magic pill or immunization available. For every person that has tinnitus, there is a customizable solution to bring relief. In Oregon, the licensed audiologist is recognized as the professional to diagnose and manage tinnitus.
We know tinnitus requires a personalized plan and we are dedicated to creating the right plan with you.

Cochlear Implant Mapping and Evaluations
In some situations, hearing aids may not work for you if you’re suffering from severe or profound hearing loss. In this situation, cochlear implants may be the answer.
A cochlear implant is an electronic device that is designed to compensate for the damaged part of your inner ear and provide vital sound signals to the brain as opposed to simply amplifying sound like hearing aids.
At Audiology & Hearing Aid Associates, we’re proud to offer comprehensive cochlear implant mapping and evaluation services.

Central Auditory Processing Testing
Central Auditory Processing in simple terms, is where you struggle to process what you can hear, as your ears and brain do not fully coordinate. It can impact people of all ages, but commonly starts in childhood with around 5% of school-aged children experiencing Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). If you believe that you or a loved one may be experiencing any signs of CAPD, your first step is to have your auditory processing tested. Audiology & Hearing Aid Associates are La Grande’s Central Auditory Processing experts and can help you with all your concerns.

Industrial Testing with a CAOHC Certified Provider
With hearing health awareness on the rise and with noise-induced hearing loss being one of the worst forms of hearing loss, many organizations and companies are testing their teams hearing through hearing screenings.
Erika Shakespeare and her team at Audiology & Hearing Aid Associates are CAOHC Certified Providers. If you would like to schedule a time for us to visit you, then contact us today or complete the “Request a Callback” form on this page.

Custom Hearing Protection and Custom Ear Plugs
If you’re exposed to loud sounds through your interests or work, then protecting your hearing has never been more important.
A single gun-shot can cause an irreversible noise-induced hearing loss and exposure to loud machinery can result in challenges such as tinnitus, yet all it takes is hearing protection or custom ear plugs to protect your hearing.
At Audiology & Hearing Aid Associates, we have some of the best audiological-standard hearing protection and custom ear plugs on the market with the ability to tailor them specifically for your ears.

With hearing loss impacting 1 in 5 of us, the data suggests that at least one special person in our lives are struggling with hearing loss. The challenge is that it's often difficult for these people to admit that they have a challenge with their hearing or be open to seeking help.
That's why we have developed a free white-paper to help you to understand the different ways that you can support a loved one and encourage them to get the help that they need.
Patient Resources
The Alarming Connection Between Cognitive Decline and Hearing Loss
Should I Get My Hearing Tested in My 50s?
Thinking about Treating Your Hearing Loss? Inspirational Stories from Our Patients
Schedule a Hearing Assessment
If you are ready to schedule your hearing assessment, then you can complete the form on this page or you can call us at (541) 612-7555.
We’ll then be able to find a convenient time and book you some time with our team of hearing care experts.
We look forward to seeing you soon.