Safe Professional Earwax Removal In Northeast Oregon
A feeling of fullness in your ears? Muffled sound, pressure, and aching in your ears are all common signs that your ears are plugged with impacted earwax.
Though earwax buildup is frustrating and irritating, it is an easy problem to fix.
Earwax is nature’s janitorial service for your ears. Designed to remove the dirt, debris, fungi, and bacteria from the ear canal to help prevent infection of your outer ear.
However, there are times when earwax builds up and becomes impacted, causing pain, pressure, ringing in your ears, and/or muffled sound.
Our earwax removal professionals at Audiology and Hearing Aid Associates have helped hundreds of individuals in Northeast Oregon get the relief they need from impacted earwax, and we’re ready to help you too.
Schedule An Earwax Removal Appointment
Best Audiologist I have ever seen. I have been seeing Audiology people for 21 years. Their people have the best equipment I have ever seen. Good job
I couldn’t be more pleased with the update and new adjustments. It was very important to me to get high tech hearing aids but the best part was how great the entire team was! Thank you so much!
Great people. Good, knowledgeable and helpful. Best audiologists I’ve ever been to.
How Does Earwax Clean Your Ears?
The oily, waxy substance known as cerumen is produced by special glands in the ear canal. Its stickiness draws in the dirt, debris, dead skin cells, bugs, fungi, bacteria, and whatever else might be in your ear canal and causes them to clump together.
When you talk or chew, the vibrations in your ear canal move the wax and unwanted debris toward the outer ear canal, like sweeping dirt down the hallway floor. Earwax usually falls out without any assistance when you’re not looking, but sometimes you’ll notice it when you look into the mirror and clear it away.
The natural pH of the earwax your body produces also helps prevent dryness and irritation inside the ear canal, something that can become upset due to impacted earwax or a lack of earwax. In most cases, both of these issues are the result of trying to remove your own earwax.
Known as ceruminosis, impacted earwax is something your hearing care provider can deal with easily using the proper formulas, instruments, and techniques, which are much safer, provide greater relief, and avoid making the problem worse.
Four Reasons To Leave Earwax Removal To A Professional
#1 – Earwax Removal Is Usually Unnecessary
The ear canal requires little routine maintenance and cleaning because it has a natural, built-in process to deal with removing anything that is harmful to your ears. Earwax is produced within the ear canal, migrating from deep inside to outside with only a few exceptions.
Problems occur when your ears produce more than the average amount of earwax or hearing aids or earplugs block the opening of the ear and prevent wax from coming all the way out.
#2 – Self-Cleaning Might Cause Permanent Damage to Your Ears
Inserting a cotton-tipped swab (or anything else) into your ear can permanently damage the ear canal or eardrum. While you’re digging, you risk pressing clumps of earwax against the eardrum, which could cause an ear infection that can do damage to the middle ear structures.
#3 – Make Your Problem Worse
Attempting to remove earwax yourself usually makes things worse because you can’t see what you’re doing. Rather than removing the earwax with a cotton swab, you’ll probably push and pull smaller clusters tighter together, plugging up your ear canal, causing muffled hearing, pressure, and pain.
#4 – The Presence of Earwax Is Not a Sign of Poor Hygiene
The reason people tend to dig out their earwax often relates to concerns about hygiene. However, cerumen is part of a natural moisturizing and cleaning process that prevents the ear canal from becoming too dry and removes substances that can cause infection. In reality, the presence of earwax is a sign of normal, healthy ears.
How Audiology And Hearing Aid Associates
Deal With Earwax Removal
Those who have never had an audiologist clean your ears might have some questions and concerns about how it’s done. We want you to feel confident that you’ll get the relief you need from our experts, so here’s exactly what you can expect to happen during your earwax removal appointment.
#1 – We Get To Know You
#2 – Ear Inspection
#3 – Unblocking Your Ears
Once your hearing care professional determines what approach to use, the first attempt at earwax removal typically involves injecting warm water into your ear, which allows impacted wax to loosen up so it can be flushed out without having to use any of our instruments.
However, there are times when some clusters are a bit more stubborn or hard to reach, so we bring out a curette, a stylus-like object with a loop at the end, to grab onto stubborn earwax and pull it out. The reason your audiologist can do this, and you shouldn’t, is because we can see better, are trained to use specific techniques, and have years of experience.
#4 – Unbelievable Relief
Schedule An Earwax Removal Appointment Today!
Attempting to remove earwax at home can be dangerous, lead to dryness and irritation, or simply make the problem worse.
Rather than continuing to struggle with earwax issues, consult our earwax removal specialists at Audiology and Hearing Aid Associates for the safe, effective, and lasting relief your ears deserve.
If you, or a loved one, are struggling with earwax, experiencing the symptoms of impacted earwax, or want some help dealing with earwax challenges, get the professional help you need by scheduling an earwax removal appointment using the adjacent form.
With hearing loss impacting 1 in 5 of us, the data suggests that at least one special person in our lives are struggling with hearing loss. The challenge is that it's often difficult for these people to admit that they have a challenge with their hearing or be open to seeking help.
That's why we have developed a free white-paper to help you to understand the different ways that you can support a loved one and encourage them to get the help that they need.