Earwax, or cerumen, is our ears’ natural defense mechanism against dirt and debris entering our ears and causing damage to our delicate eardrums. It naturally cleans our ears and removes itself on its own as you chew or talk, but sometimes that earwax can gather up and get stuck in our ears.
Having clogged ears isn’t fun; it can affect our balance, cause earaches or dizziness, and even lead to hearing loss. Impacted earwax can also negatively affect hearing aid performance.
There are a few methods to clean out excess earwax at home, but they’re not always the safest for your ears. Many people reach for cotton swabs—these can push the earwax farther into your ears and cause more problems than they’re worth!
If you’re looking for how to unclog your ears, especially if you wear hearing aids and feel their performance has lessened, you’re in the right place! Earwax is harmless but can prove to cause a few issues with your hearing and hearing aids if not taken care of efficiently.
For major impactions and issues with your hearing, a professional earwax removal could help clear your ears of impaction and help your hearing get back to its previous levels.
What Happens During an Earwax Removal Appointment?
If you’re dealing with a feeling of fullness in your ears, or your ears feel clogged, professional ear cleaning could be the solution you’re looking for. Our safe, professional methods ensure that your earwax removal is painless and quick—some individuals even feel a great sense of relief afterwards!
Your earwax removal appointment starts with a quick chat to get to know you; we like to get to know our patients on a personal level, which often helps with any pre-appointment nerves. This also gives us a chance to learn more about any history you may have of excess earwax production or hearing loss.
We’ll then inspect your ears thoroughly with an otoscope to check out the level of your earwax impaction and start making plans to remove it. Our advanced equipment and expertise will ensure that you won’t feel any discomfort before we unclog your ears.
Earwax removal typically consists of a flush of warm water to soften and loosen earwax so it comes out naturally along with the water. For more stubborn impactions, we’ll use a curette to grab impactions that won’t soften and remove them ourselves.
Unclog Your Ears From Wax with Professional Ear Cleaning
There are some things that are best left to the professionals—earwax removal is one of them. We’re more than happy to help you address your earwax impaction and unclog your ears.
Please feel free to contact us and we’ll answer any questions, alleviate concerns, or chat with you about your unique situation. We’re here to help!